Throat Punch

Throat Punch
List: Rogue Basic Career
Cost: 5 / 15
Prereqs: Waylay
Skill Type: Dexterity
Tagged: Yes
Purchase: Multi
Duration: 30 Seconds

A character can deliver a blow with a melee weapon to another character and render them mute for 30 seconds. While the skill indicates the target is struck in the throat, the character must NOT hit the target in the throat! The head is not a legal combat target! Instead, the blow needs to hit the target in elbow to knees.

To use this skill the character should call, “Throat Punch X…”, where X is the amount of damage dealt and suffix the verbal with the damage type of the weapon. For example, a character using their silver sword and normally deals 2 points of damage, they would call “Throat Punch, 2 silver”. The skill will not work on characters that do not have a normal humanoid physiology, like most undead.

This skill is stopped by any defense that stops physical attacks. Additionally, neck armor will also protect against a Throat Punch. When armor is evaluated by an Arms Marshal, the armor is assigned a certain number of Armor Points. In order for a Throat Punch to silence a character, it must do more damage than the Armor Points in the neck armor. For example, if the target is wearing a gorget worth 2 Armor Points, and you call “Throat Punch 1 damage”, then the target is not silenced but still takes 1 point of damage. The Armor Points in the neck are the second to last ones to go for purposes of Throat Punch protection.

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